Means for a beautiful tan: choose for yourself

Means for a beautiful tan: choose for yourself
 Long gone are the days when women were forced to hide from the sun his white face. Today in vogue beautiful natural tan, the acquisition of which more and more people go to resorts. However, intending to sunbathe, do not forget that not accustomed to large portions of the skin needs sun protection.
 Cosmetic industry today offers a wide variety of tools for safe and beautiful tan. The means by which one can get a tan bronze produced in the form of sprays, oils, creams and lotions. Choosing an effective remedy for sunburn, should focus not only on the composition and the manufacturer, but also on what type of skin it is to be applied.

There are six groups of standard products for tanning. Between themselves, they differ in the number they contain sunscreen units, which are indicated by the acronym SPF (Sun Protection Factor) - sun protection factor. Our geographic band are best suited four groups.

Means to reliably protect the skin from burns, in its composition should contain UV filters. They are able to block aggressive UV exposure.


By means of the first group belong to an even tanning cream or lotion with an SPF of at least the amount of 30 units. They are suitable for people with very fair skin, which may sometimes appear freckles. Their skin burns can occur instantly.

Holders of this type of skin beauticians recommend to stay in direct sunlight is not more than 10 minutes. Part of the funds with SPF-30 is produced for the skin to protect it from the rapid emergence of new wrinkles and pigmentation.


The second group includes funds to the amount of SPF 20 units. They are suitable for people with light skin and gray, green or blue eyes who tan does not appear very strong and is mainly due to irritation and peeling skin. For the duration of the best time for sunbathing holders of this type of skin is only a 15-minute stay in the sun.

Children, regardless of their skin, it is best to choose a cream with an SPF of at least 30-35 units. It must be applied throughout the rest and do not forget to use after each contact with water.


The third group includes funds for a beautiful tan with SPF-15. They should be applied to owners of light skin, but can be transferred to a swarthy. Spots on their skin almost never appear, and tan falls evenly. Burns are for this skin, rather the exception, but prolonged exposure to aggressive sun without protection can bring discomfort. Therefore, the best time to get a bronze tan representatives of this type of skin - no more than half an hour.


The fourth group includes people with dark skin brown and olive green. They have dark brown eyes and black hair. Sun secret of such people is the use of funds to the amount of SPF 6 units. The sun so people can stay for a whole hour.

Tags: sun means the skin, sunburn