How to rejuvenate your hands

How to rejuvenate your hands
 Not by accident is that women are the hallmark of her hands. They do not sovrut not subtract years, not hide anything: neither the true age of the mistress or her social status, nor her love or dislike to him. Unfortunately, the woman suddenly remember too late, when your skin has coarsened, wrinkled, covered with pigment spots. Of course, the earlier we start the proper care of them, the better. Meanwhile, rejuvenate your hands never too late. One has only to want it.
 Masks for hands

Extremely effective procedure for rejuvenation of hands - different masks. The most popular (it is also the most simple) - potato. Make it better in the evening before bedtime. Thoroughly wash a few potatoes and boil them in their skins (you can salt the water, sea salt, it will strengthen the effect). Then mash into a puree, adding fat milk. Lower the hand in getting more heat, mass and hold for 10-15 minutes. Wash hands puree with water at room temperature. While still wet skin, apply a rich cream or any vegetable oil (preferably olive or castor), drive fingertips into the skin and wear gloves x / b. Just sleep in them.

With age, your skin is dark, covered with spots. Try it bleached. Use the sauerkraut (prescription of our grandmothers). Pour into a bowl of cabbage pickle, a little warm up and drop it in his hands. Hold for 10-15 minutes. Perhaps a slight tingling sensation, will have to wait. Rinse off your hands with warm water and mild soap, preferably a gel and brush nourishing hand cream. This mask Do twice a week. It is not difficult, but the result - a matchless.

Your skin in older women resembles parchment paper, it is very dry and thin. It must constantly feed. Make a mask: mash the pulp of banana with sour cream (in any proportion) and apply for 10 minutes on the cleaned and lightly steamed skin. After the procedure, rinse your hands with cold water and grease cream light structure. Do nourishing mask every other day, alternating with persimmon banana and strawberries.

Useful mask for fading skin of the hands of honey porridge (softening), of fruit and vegetable juices, mixed with cream or cottage cheese (tonic) of steamed seaweed (enriching minerals).

If you are resolutely set about rejuvenating hand, you can not do without gymnastics. A few simple exercises will help to raise the tone and rejuvenate the cells by activation of blood flow. Charging the hand is good because it can be done at any time, in between times. And So:

1. Stretch your arms forward abruptly spread the fingers and then connect them.
2. Firmly squeeze hands into fists, open the sharply.
3. Spread the fingers on each hand in pairs: an index to the average, with a nameless little finger. Try to separate them as far as possible.
4. Take in each hand on a small rubber ball. First, vigorously crushes his index finger and thumb of each hand and then just squeeze into the palm. If one ball, you can roll it between the palms of both hands.

Each exercise is repeated 5-8 times. From time to time, shake vigorously by hand.

Tags: leather, hand mask, gymnastics, rejuvenation