How to reduce the size of the nose

How to reduce the size of the nose
 Nose - one of the most prominent features. If it is a woman krupnovat, it can become a source of constant discomfort and result in a set of self-doubt. However, experienced ladies would be much less if they knew some tricks that make a big nose can be masked.
 First of all, learn to take advantage of makeup. People do not perceive facial features separately, they see a complete image, so if the eyes, eyebrows, lips and big enough, the nose does not draw attention to himself. Learn basic techniques of make-up, which will "increase" eyes, make wider lips. With such a thorough work on facial features there is a risk to overdo it and make up too vulgar, make sure that this does not happen. One of the clearest trends of the last time a makeup nude, it was he who would suit you the most.

With the size of the nose, usually there are two problems: it may seem too long or too wide. Length of the nose often want to adjust the holders of the so-called "eagle" and direct the elongated nose (in physiognomy nose is sometimes called a "nose thinker").

To visually shorten the nose, apply a little foundation under his dark tone. In a direct nose should also apply a light touch of peach blush on the tip.

When the nose at the same time subtle, make it visually more - it will distract attention from the length. To extend the nose, put on a tone lighter shade than the basic tone used for make-up person.

For those who think your nose is too wide, there is also a special technique. The middle of the nose must be brightened, and on his side, on the contrary, cause the tone darker than the main. Keep in mind: the thinner light bar in the middle of the nose, the longer it will seem himself nose.

Owners of large nose, look at his hair. Here, as in the case of features, the principle of relativity. Slicked hair emphasize the magnitude of the nose, but once you do bouffant hairdos as it would divert too much attention from the nose and visually reduce the size.

Tags: size, nose, hair, makeup