How to maintain youthful skin after 30

How to maintain youthful skin after 30
 Years, not going to benefit the body in general and the face in particular. Therefore, many ladies, barely crossed the threshold of thirty years, begin to think about how to keep youth and elasticity of your skin. In fact, this is not so difficult. The main thing is not to be lazy and strictly adhere to all the rules of care.

It was the age of 30 years, according to experts, "gives" the woman first wrinkles, puffiness of the face and adds a little puffy. While these changes are not too noticeable, but in the absence of proper care they can be easily seen.

Of course, the result will appear immediately. In general, the ideal age of onset of a more thorough skin care dates back 25 years abroad. If a girl under that age, begin to care for themselves, then it is suitable to thirty with a rather good results.

But if you first thought about the condition of their skin only if you are over 30, then all is not lost. After all, you are waiting on other age stages, where care will become more carefully and carefully.

After thirty years, you need to add to your daily program of cleansing and moisturizing the face and even food, and protection. Equally important for your beauty and has a change of lifestyle. Change bad habits to useful, often begin to walk the streets, go only to a balanced and healthy diet. Thus you will maintain its beauty even from the inside.

Thirty women also need to be sure to review your sleep and rest. 8 hours of sleep - it's now not just recommended, as a mandatory measure. In this case, special attention should be paid to the choice of bedding: must be sufficiently hard mattress, pillow, which will not let you bury it and sleep well all night. These accessories improve blood circulation, support the spine in the physiologic state for him and help women to avoid swelling and discoloration of the face.

After 30 woman must use a cream containing UV filters. And to do so it must be even in winter. By the way, experts recommend the use of such funds, and the ladies who spend a lot of time on the computer, since the radiation from the monitor is very ages the skin.

Of course, to preserve the beauty and youthful skin definitely need to quit smoking. After all, the body of 30-year-old woman all metabolic processes is not as fast as that of 19-year-old. This means that the habit of smoking has a more detrimental effect.

To preserve the beauty and help a certain diet and drinking. Need food to take up to 3 hours before sleep, not later. But fluid intake in the evening should be reduced, because it becomes a source of occurrence of edema around the eyes.

In addition, the woman of thirty recommended to include in your daily regime a small gym, aimed at strengthening and tightening of the muscles of the neck, chin, cheeks, etc.

Tags: leather, Ambassador, tone, care, youth