How to hide skin imperfections

How to hide skin imperfections
 Defects may occur even on a perfect skin, because no one is safe from the inflammation, pimples and other troubles, periodically spoil your reflection in the mirror. Hide defects with the mind - it means to choose the right tool and disadvantages do absolutely invisible.
 Hide skin blemishes women have to all ages. First it pimples and marks lack of sleep, in adulthood - age spots and wrinkles. Knowing some of the secrets, you will be able to get rid of the defects in just a few minutes.

To start with the texture means. Repelled from the skin type. More suitable for oily fluid medium with a light texture that are not composed of oils and do not clog the pores. Sensitive skin, prone to frequent inflammation, needs funds with antibacterial effect, whereby the redness will be dehumidified. Mature skin with wrinkles require special care and airy texture that will not further distinguish them.

An important point in concealing skin imperfections - the application concealers. If you picked him up in his tone of foundation, concealer can be used both before and after it. Different in color correction is applied by means of the foundation. Exceptions are proofreaders with reflective particles - they must impose at the end.

Apply concealer, you can use a special brush or your finger. Brush made of synthetic materials required for oily skin or eliminate defects in inaccessible places (eg corners of the eyes). If your skin is dry, it is better to take advantage of their own finger, so corrector lie much smoother.

With large areas of redness or other defects, it is not necessary to use thick concealer, otherwise you get the effect of the mask on the face. Better take corrective base greenish tint, and on top of it to put its usual tonal basis.

Hide dark circles under his eyes light concealer is not quite true - you will look unnatural. If pronounced bruising, better buy only peach-colored concealer, which will neutralizer blue. In the case of bags under the eyes, choose a concealer one to two shades darker skin. The optical effect of work on you, and swelling will be much less noticeable.

To correct wrinkles should lighten their concealer with light-reflecting particles. The mistake would be to use a dense means that only emphasize the defect.

Tags: skin defect