How to get rid of freckles: effective means

How to get rid of freckles: effective means
 Some people freckles on his face and body seem to be very funny. But not their owners, who want to get rid of these mischievous solar speckles as quickly as possible. These Fortunately, there are many simple ways in which you can quickly remove freckles.

Traditional recipes for getting rid of freckles

The most popular way to skin whitening is a decoction of fresh parsley leaves. Wipe them the problem areas should be in the morning and evening. Quickly get rid of freckles and helps mask made from the juice of sour cream and parsley. Apply it to the face twice a day, leave for 10-15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Has a bleaching effect and lemon juice. Mix it with potato starch, you can get an excellent tool that can remove freckles from the face and body as soon as possible.

Excellent whiten the skin and relieve her of freckles mask with fresh strawberries and blackcurrants.

Excellent and very effective tool in the fight with freckles, no doubt, is a cucumber. And you can use as cloves of this vegetable, superimposing them on the problem areas, and its juice, rubbing his skin, studded with freckles.

Since ancient times for its bleaching properties and is famous dandelion root, decoction of which will be faithful assistant in the fight against the hated freckles. For best results, wipe it means the skin several times a day.

To achieve the desired color, you can use face washings sour whey.

How to prevent a re-occurrence of freckles

Hardly anyone would argue with the fact that prevent unwanted freckles much easier than getting rid of red spots have appeared. And for this purpose should follow a few simple guidelines:

• Before going out to put on the open areas of the body sunscreen;
• Avoid direct sunlight on the problem areas;
• a particularly sunny days, wear a hat with a wide brim;
• eat more foods rich in vitamin C;
• drink plenty of fluids. It helps to maintain optimal water balance in the body, the violation of which is a common cause of freckles on the body.

If you want to permanently get rid of freckles, use of modern means such as exfoliation of freckles, included in the list of services provided by most beauty salons.

Tags: Freckle, means