In stores there are different varieties of soap. The most popular are: hygienic, natural, exfoliating, perfume. Each variety has its own special qualities and conditions of use.
Hygienic soap to its name. It is this variety is used for personal hygiene: washing, hand washing, bathing. This soap is suitable for deep cleaning of the skin. In hygienic soap composition not include or incorporate a minimum amount of dyes, perfumes, and active ingredients. Therefore it does not cause allergies and is suitable for all skin types.
There are two special types of hygienic soap: Child and antibacterial. The first is intended for kids. Therefore, in its production using only natural components, in particular natural antiseptics: chamomile, sage, celandine, etc.
Antibacterial soap - means "rapid response". Daily use it Estheticians are not recommended. It contains active ingredients are able to destroy not only harmful microbes, but also disrupt the natural balance of the skin. However, antibacterial soap is indispensable, for example, in the country or on a picnic, where you need to quickly clean your hands from dirt and dust.
Natural soap is produced as an industrial way, and manually, at home or in small family soap-. It uses only natural ingredients: animal fat or vegetable raw materials, flowers, fruits, aromatic essences, herbal teas, etc. It is very soft variety. They can wash and bathe daily without harm to the skin.
Special cosmetic effect gives regular use of exfoliating soaps or soap-scrub. In this sort of add special particles, polishing the skin. Components may be natural (crushed apricot, oats, loofah, milled coffee beans) or synthetic (plastic pellets). Soap scrub is perfect for weekly treatments of face and body peeling.
Lovers of fine fragrance like perfume soap. Its perfume manufacturers often release in addition to the single line: perfume, eau de toilette, soap. Woman using all means, during the day will smell your favorite scent. Useful properties of perfume soaps are minimal, since strong flavors are not combined with the active substances.
Choosing a soap, it is important to focus on the type and condition of the skin. The presence of inflammation, redness, peeling - a reason to see a specialist-beautician for advice. He will approve or deny the use of soap, will help you choose the variety.
When healthy skin can adhere to the general rules. Remove shine soap with a light peeling effect. Sensitive thin skin need soap with a high content of coconut oil or baby. Owners of normal skin should not be abused soap scrub and antibacterial.