How to be calmer and more confident

How to be calmer and more confident
 Anxiety and uncertainty in life miserable for so many people. Constantly under stress, people not only can not effectively work and pleasure to relax, but also destroys your health. That is why it is so important to be able to cope with stress and in any situation to remain calm and confidence.
 Stresses have long been a scourge of modern society. The high pace of life, the constant care for the morrow harassed, do not give to relax. Communicating with people - with the boss, business partners, etc. etc., the person is aware that any misstep could cost him dearly. That sense of dependence is one of the main enemies of modern man. Dependence on the authorities, business partners, fear of losing their jobs under pressure, do not give to enjoy life. In the pursuit of success people are horrified at the thought that he might have something does not work, that he may go broke or be fired.

At least much people are afraid of how their perceive. Diffidence makes blush, embarrassed and stammering. Shyness often goes to extremes, making life a torment, forcing people to be afraid of, accustoming to seek solitude.

How to overcome fear and dependence? Only through the change itself. We need to understand the root of their fears, their causes. Are you afraid that some people may perceive you negatively. Disaster? Yes, if you think so. But why is the opinion of this man for you so important? You depend on him? Probably not - many people hesitate, lowered his eyes, even just walking down the street. They think that all they are seen, while passers-by do not really have to not care. It was no - people are busy themselves, it does not matter what you look like. Then why do you hesitate, add a step, try to be home soon?

Good or bad, but the vast majority of people do not really have to have anything to do. Pride - it is bad, but in a moderate sense of pride, self-esteem is nothing wrong with that. If you deeply care about others, what do you care about what they may think about you? Be yourself, do not change yourself for others - on the contrary, let them adjust to you.

Remember the last time you spoke to someone "no", something denied? People need help, but not to its detriment. If you do not want to do something, to provide some kind of service, then just try to say "no". This is your sacred right - something to do or not to do. Accustomed to failsafe person, other people begin to exploit it, and he has no power to refuse them. This situation is not normal, and if you have all this is so, learn to give. Importantly, the ability to say "no" very positive effect on your energy. By agreeing to someone's request or order, you go to the occasion and lose power. Conversely, refusing to get part of the forces who refused - as to throw out their dissatisfaction (even if it does not manifest itself externally). Saying "no", you will not only become stronger, but also add to his confidence. Boost your self-esteem, respect yourself. You are not better than others, but no worse. Free to choose with whom to communicate with and who not, Be the master of the situation. Do not go on about the other, and you'll notice that people will treat you with more respect. 

Very often, the fears related to the financial solvency. People think that if they had in his pocket (bank account) ennaya the amount of money they would have felt much calmer. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), Is a myth. A man is never satisfied with his existing money - get a million, he will want to have two. One million, even if it's a million dollars, it will seem very meager amount. In addition, the bank may go bankrupt, stocks depreciate, the investment is not to justify himself ... On the other hand, there are many people, both secured and poor, feel quite comfortable and confident. What is the secret of their mind?

First of all, they look at the world differently. Some of these players at heart, so rather calmly perceive as the ups and downs. They are interested in the process, not the results. For other core values ​​lie in the spiritual world, so they calmly accept all fell to their share of trials. But the most important thing is that people tend to live in the present, not the future. Find joy and happiness in what is happening here and now. This is very important - to live the present without exhausting myself with thoughts of the future. Living the future, people just lose a life. Happiness can not be linked to the future of gaining something - you will live all his life in the pursuit of dreams. Therefore, decide that for you is really important that gives you peace and happiness. To do this, and live in a low importance of everything else. Then you will be comfortable with the ups and downs, the possible tests cease to scare you. Stress thing of the past - and all because you start living in the present. 

Tags: fear, SEB, dependence