In winter, the main enemy of the skin - dry air, so moisturize the indoor air by any means: hang on the battery wet towel or put a jar of water. To avoid hypothermia skin cream on the face, apply one hour before leaving the house, and the procedures for moistening move for the evening and make them at bedtime.
Oily skin is best to moisten the fresh juice of aloe leaves or cabbage mask. To do this, aloe leaves or cabbage chop and apply on face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and rub into the skin nourishing and moisturizing cream.
Dry skin with dilated capillaries suitable mask of chamomile extract and olive oil: egg yolk mixed with 1 tsp chamomile extract and add 1 tsp oil. Now apply a layer mask thinner, wait 20 minutes and wash with moderately hot water. Do not forget the moisturizer at the end of the procedure.
At home, easy to make this rose oil: Take a glass of dry rose petals, add a cup of olive oil and put in an enamel pot in a water bath. After two hours, the resulting strain rose oil, which is perfectly nourishes dry and normal skin, restoring its elasticity.
Suitable for normal skin mask of grated apple and sour apple mix with 1 ch.l.smetany or olive oil 1 ch.l.krahmala. Apply mask on face and neck, soak for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
In winter, in any type of skin you should not wash with soap, replace it with a mild detergent - milk or tonic water for washing. Masks do at least once a week, and sensitive skin can be powered masks every 2-3 days.
Chapped skin save the infusion of herbs: Take 1 tsp lime blossom, mallow roots and honey and pour a mixture of a glass of cold water. Boil 10 minutes, then let stand for 10-15 minutes, strain and wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in broth.
Lotions from green tea soothe red scaly face: apply on face gauze soaked with green tea. Now relax without unnecessary movements for 15 minutes, then remove the cheesecloth and lubricate the face of buttermilk.
If it so happened that you were in the winter in the cold, do not protect the lips hygienic lipstick, get rid of peeling lips and cracks will help castor oil. Apply it on the night of her lips. If you disliked the taste of butter, try to make a mask of honey or cream: in the evening on the lips spread a little honey or cream, soak for 15-20 minutes and then just obliznites. Continue necessarily protect lips - with frost are not joking.