Causes of warts

Causes of warts
 Warts are viral disease human papillomavirus. They can be transmitted by direct contact with a sick person through the micro-cracks of the skin, and may have a hormonal origin. In any case, they can be treated, although it takes a lot of time.

Common warts are dense grayish or pinkish nodules with a rough surface, towering above the skin. The cause of the warts may be human papillomavirus, skin trauma, abrasions, sweating, infection entering through the micro-cracks or open blisters. In adolescence cause manifestations of warts is the restructuring of hormonal levels.

Warts occur on parts of the body with poor circulation - the back of the hands, fingers, soles of the feet. These parts of the body most exposed to the penetration of infection due to repeated stimulation.

As much did not want to remove a wart yourself by simply cutting off, you can not do that. First, a short time after the removal of self-it appears on the same place. Secondly, so you can carry infection, and instead of one warts appear a couple more.

Before treatment is necessary to visit a dermatologist to get it confirmed the diagnosis. The fact that warts can be confused with cancer tumors, particularly after age 30 years. Your doctor may suggest you to laser removal of warts, kriozamorozki procedure.

At home, you can take advantage of proven traditional methods. The affected part of the skin can rub tea tree oil, which penetrates deep into the skin and is a good antiseptic. You can use fresh juice of celandine, which is applied to the wart and not washed off. The pharmacy you can buy funds based on extracts of calendula flowers in the form of ointments and creams.

During the treatment of warts is necessary to monitor the purity of affected parts of the body. You must use personal towels and hygiene to avoid infecting other family members.

Tags: wart appearance, treatment, cause borodovka