A non-surgical face lift

A non-surgical face lift
 There are several methods of non-surgical facelift. The effectiveness of a procedure depends on the individual features of the structure of the human face, the frequency of use, the presence (or absence) of bad habits, etc.  

Facelift threads

 Special yarns capture and record in a favorable position the soft tissues of the face so that it is possible to get rid of sagging skin in part, nasolabial folds, lower the tip of the lips. The procedure takes 20-30 minutes, the next day after it can safely return to the normal rhythm of life. Lack of procedure - the high price.


 During the procedure, the upper layer of skin needles introduced mixture of the vitamins, hyaluron acid, amino acids and micronutrients. 3-4 procedures are capable at the cellular level, rather than on the surface of the skin, as anti-aging creams, transform aging skin, to give it a sleek look healthy. Cons - painful method.

 Deep peels

 Under local anesthesia, the patient is applied to a special chemical composition, which is removed by the action of the upper and middle layers of the skin. After the procedure is necessary rehabilitation period of 7-10 days for the healing of the skin. The effect of the procedure is the cumulative effect, i.e. rejuvenation will be secured under the new procedures. Disadvantage - a long period of recovery of the skin.


 Under the influence of the device on the skin layer is directed infrared radiation, which heats and tightens the collagen layer, helping to enhance skin tone. For visible results you must do 3-4 treatments. Cons termoliftinga - not always a clear result of the high cost.

 Before choosing one or the other cosmetic procedures do not forget that there are always contraindications, no matter how innocent at first glance may seem procedure. Recommended procedure after 40 years, before that age limit to cosmetics.

Tags: face lift, mesolifting, thermolifting