The use of sage in cosmetology

The use of sage in cosmetology
 Sage is used in medicine since ancient times. All have long been accustomed to the fact that it cures cough and cold, thanks to its antiseptic properties. But, in addition, this plant is also indispensable assistant doctor-cosmetologist. Cream or tonic containing sage must be either female beautician. Unless, of course, she takes care of her youth skin.

"Against the power of death grows in gardens sage ..."
Even the ancient Greeks knew about the miraculous properties of this plant and composed poems about it and applied in different fields of medicine.

Sage got its name from the Latin verb "Salvia", which means to save. The ancient Romans believed in his ability to prolong life. Due to its unique properties, sage is used in cosmetology. Excellent results are obtained by treatment with sage acne. It has antibacterial properties, and used as a medicinal ointments and balms, sage leaf extract reduces inflammation in the skin pores and normalizes the sebaceous glands. All this leads to a reduction in rashes.

Kind of sage - nutmeg, stimulates hair growth and fights dandruff. Decoction of sage make cosmetic ice. You can do it in the home. To do this, boil sage leaves, leave for 20-30 minutes, cool and then pour into molds for ice. This device works in both directions. Ice soothes and tones the skin, and sage enhances this effect.

Sage extract helps to restore the skin and improves its tone. Therefore, cosmetologists are advised to do light compresses around the eyes before going to bed to remove the wheels and restore skin freshness. Widely used in cosmetics and essential oil of sage. It cleanses the hair by removing excess fat. This requires a course of masks containing oil, hair and get rid of greasy.

To moisturize the skin and normalize metabolic processes, beauticians apply cream based on extracts of sage. The effect of them is truly a miracle. Suffice it to 2-3 courses, that the skin would become less dry and has become healthy.

Woman's appearance is largely determined by the functioning of its hormonal system. Sex hormones, produced normally stimulate regeneration processes of the skin and rejuvenate. It is therefore necessary to control the hormone balance in the body. Sage leaves also contain plant hormones, the composition close to the female sex. As a result of the extract of sage, the skin becomes soft, restores all its natural function, and returns to her youth.

So, not so far been the Greeks from the truth. Sage can actually prolong youthfulness of the skin and produce rejuvenation of the whole organism.

The main thing to keep in mind that the use of sage, as well as any other substances is best done under the supervision of specialists.

Tags: Eye, skin, leaf extract, Leda, youth, beauty, application, sage