Radiolifting: what is it?

Radiolifting: what is it?
 Radiolifting - a unique process by which you can get rid of even deep wrinkles, significantly tighten and rejuvenate the skin and body. Despite the fact that the value of rf lift high enough, it remains the most popular method of non-surgical lift, as the effect exceeds all expectations.

 Radiolifting on the reaction apparatus

Radiolifting is considered to be a breakthrough in the field of cosmetology. Reaction apparatus helps to completely remove the "crow's feet", double chin, tighten the skin almost anywhere on the body to cope with stretch marks and cellulite.

Unlike radio lifting apparatus for reaction is that during the procedure of the skin affected by not only the radio waves having thermo but vacuum is produced by means of massage. In addition, the reaction apparatus is the only device in cosmetology, can remove wrinkles around the eyes without the use of plastic surgery. The presence of 192 mode radio frequency waves allow for every customer to pick up the individual program of lifting, corresponding to its type of skin.

The results are already visible after the first visit to a beauty salon, but recommend at least 5-8 treatments to fully activate the production of collagen and elastin.

With the help of radio lifting person who recommended the age of 25, it is possible for many years to delay the aging process and to cancel any other procedures that are held for the maintenance of tone and beauty of the skin.

Indication for rf lifting is not only sagging skin and wrinkles, and enlarged pores, acne scars, drooping eyebrows, the overhang of the upper eyelid, the presence of stretch marks, cellulite.

If you solve the problem between the radio lifting and carrying out other hardware procedures for rejuvenation and skin tightening, should give preference radiolifting as the most effective and safe method.

 What is the advantage of radio wave lifting and whether there are contraindications

The main advantages are as instantaneous radio lifting result, non-invasive method, the complete absence of the rehabilitation period, and in the absence of contra-seasonal. Braces can be carried out even in the period of solar activity.

Despite all the advantages of radio lifting, for the procedure there are contraindications. Rejuvenation and skin tightening using rf lifting prohibited conduct in the presence of skin diseases, autoimmune diseases, any endocrine disorders, in oncology, thrombosis, herpes, in the presence of implanted electronic mechanisms, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Prior to the radio lifting should visit your doctor and find out about all the contraindications for the procedure. Beautician this question is not entitled to decide.

Rf facelift. Customer Reviews

Everyone who has already managed to take advantage of radio wave lifting, were very pleased and plan to repeat the procedure every 6 months. It is at such intervals recommended to renew the resulting effect to keep the skin in good shape.

Tags: Review, lift, lifting, rejuvenation, non-surgical, radiolifting, rf