Moisturizing masks at home

Moisturizing masks at home
 Nature gave women a lot of opportunities to take care of their own bodies. For example, a large number of products is able to retain moisture, so they can be used to create a moisturizing masks at home.  

Moisturizing hair mask.

Your hair is perhaps the strongest of all need careful maintenance. They are constantly faced with stressors. Even a simple friction collar clothing can lead to a deterioration of their condition! In the urban environment is becoming a major problem excessive dryness. There are several recipes for moisturizing hair masks at home.

Has a number of useful properties plain yogurt. And not the last advantage is ease of use: simply heat up a large amount of it to 37 degrees, and apply on hair. Do not be afraid to go too far: the negative consequences of this will not happen, on the contrary, the effect will only intensify. To activate the action nestle head wrap or parchment and carefully wrap. After half an hour again apply yogurt and massage your head for about 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water means simple.

Mix one teaspoon of brandy, henna, honey, and add to the mix a tablespoon of vegetable oil with egg yolk, you will get not only moisturizing, but also nourishing products for hair. It simply left on the hair for 45 minutes, then rinse.

It is also necessary to use another hydrating mask for hair - from sea buckthorn oil. Mix it with other oils in a ratio of 9: 1, apply it on your hair. However, for greater effect, it is recommended to wrap my head. This moisturizing mask will be effective only if the procedure you will be held twice a week, the general course in 10 receptions.

Apart from the usual moisturizing hair masks, there are also tools designed specifically for owners of ringlets and curls. You fit the mask based on vegetable oils. So, you can mix one tablespoon of sour cream, castor and olive oils, and beat the mixture with the egg, and then put on the head and leave a film on the half hour. Another option - to make a mask of two tablespoons of olive oil, the same amount of castor, add egg yolk, lemon juice (half a lemon), 2 tablespoons of honey, 10 capsules of vitamin A and one - vitamin E. Apply this mask as well, as the previous one.

Moisturizing facial mask.

Many products and help improve the condition of your skin. Among the most popular - the recipe Pumpkin mask. For its production you just need to grind until smooth zucchini pulp and apply it on the face, and then cover with gauze. After half an hour you can wash off the mask. In addition to a simple hydration, it also gets rid of wrinkles and softens the skin.

In addition to creams for dry skin, you can use the leaves of Viburnum. Chop them and put on top of the cream, leave for 15 minutes. Effect reveal itself very quickly!

Of course, one can not be said about the nutritional value of honey. Adding 30 grams of this product 2 egg whites, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (pre-shredded), and half a teaspoon of peach (possible almond) oil, you get an excellent hydrating mask for the face, which is suitable for oily skin.

Tags: skin, face, hair, home, condition, mask, care