
 In plastic surgery lipofilling is considered one of the safest and minimally invasive procedures. Despite the fact that the method has more than a hundred years, it can not be considered obsolete. What is lipofilling, and any defects can be corrected with the help of a women's magazine read JustLady.

Lipofilling - Plastic surgery on modeling the face and body of the patient's own fat cells. For the first time such a procedure was carried out in the late 19th century and since then does not lose popularity. Moreover, the methods and tools for its implementation are constantly improving, doctors are working to improve the method and to extend the effect achieved.

Why is this operation is so sought? The fact that, in contrast to other methods of surgical correction,Lipofilling One of the most minimally invasive procedures. Another advantage is its safety: in the problem areas of the patient is transplanted his own adipose tissue, which completely eliminates the possibility of allergic reactions or rejection of the implant.

Lipofilling: Methodology

Procedure begins with the fact that the doctor will determine the area where the fat will be introduced. Then isolated area on the body where the fence will be made of fatty tissue for future transplant. This usually selected fat stores on the abdomen or upper thighs (all that you have been hoarded, now serve as your beauty).

In a selected area doctor makes a small incision from which with a special syringe and cannula (special tubes) will pick up the required amount of fat. Sounds simple, but in fact it is quite crucial moment. The doctor should determine the optimum amount of material to take it without damaging the integrity of the fat cells (otherwise it would not take hold), do it as carefully as possible.

Then take the fat is placed in a centrifuge, where it is cleaned of impurities (blood, anesthetic drugs, etc. Etc.). The next stage - the introduction of fat cells in the desired zone. This is done using a special syringe.

Currently also quite responsible. The fact that, for each zone there is a strictly limited amount of fat, which can enter there. For example,Lipofilling lips holds 1-2 ml volume of fat,Lipofilling cheeks require 3-6 ml. If you areLipofilling face fully, the surgeon will calculate how much material is needed for optimal results.

After the operation the doctor sews small incisions, the patient goes to a period of rehabilitation.

Of course,lipofilinga have some disadvantages. For example,effect the operation can last an average of 3 to 12 months. But there are people whose body converts fat very quickly, and they did not even have time to admire your new look. Also there is a risk of material damage during sampling.

But now, for this has developed special techniques to avoid damage to the integrity of fat cells during aspiration (removal of fat). Also, the introduction of improved methods of fat in problem areas, which avoids irregularities operated sites.

And then you need to know that not all clinics are the same methods. So if you decide to do Lipofilling, do not hesitate to ask about the methods and tools that use experts in this institution.


Lipofilling: indications

Lipofilling is used to eliminate defects on the face and body.
This procedure can be substantially smooth traumatic or surgical defects to fix a number of birth defects and age. The main purpose of the operation - add volume to where it is not enough, so the procedure can be performed either alone or in combination with others.

Is very popular, for example,Lipofilling face. Often after surgery on a circular face lift does not look quite young. In this case, simply not enough volume of soft tissue. In this case, the rescueLipofilling, With which you can make more prominent cheekbones line (lipofilling of the cheeks), to make a more harmonious oval face.

Problems with nasolabial folds also easily solved by lipofilinga. The complex procedures for the correction of facial or as a standalone procedure is very popularLipofilling lips. Own fat fills the volume of the lips, eliminates wrinkles around them, corrects the shape and drooping corners.

A good way out for those who are satisfied with the form, but disappointed in volume -Breast Lipofilling. This is one of the safest ways to enlarge breasts. There is no risk of rejection, bulging in the wrong place (as is the case with silicone implants). If the resulting volume seems not resolve, or adipose tissue,Breast LipofillingLike any other zone can be repeated after six months.

Very often the transplant procedure adipose tissue is used to correct the shape of the feet. Imagine that some curvature can be effectively removed by this procedure. To do this, carry out a comprehensive introduction of the fat in a few specific areas.

But the legs can be adjusted and in selected locations. For example,Lipofilling shin help fix a flat thin ankle. Slits at the same time will be in the natural pit under the knee, so that no one would guess that you did the operation.

Not less in demand operation -Lipofilling buttocks. If they seem to be too flat, small, not enough in harmony with your body and ideas of beauty, the doctor will correct this shortcoming by using your own fat.

Also, using lipofilinga can correct the shape of hands, lost volume and elasticity due to age.

Lipofilling: reviews

Reviews of lipofilinga quite a lot, because the operation is very popular.
In general, patients reported a relatively short recovery period and a minimum of discomfort. According to reviews, the swelling go quickly, within 2-3 days, but there are times when they can hold out for more than a week.

Many goodreviews about lipofilinga person. There are a number of patients who showed unevenness after surgery, but they are usually corrected by means of additional injection of the same procedures adipose tissue.

A lot of thanks can be read by those who are using the procedure sought smoothing atrophic scars.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

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