Hyaluronic acid injections: to do or not?

Hyaluronic acid injections: to do or not?
 Today, almost all beauty salons offer a procedure such as hyaluronic acid injections. They are also called beauty shots. But whether or not to resort to this method is better to refrain from or injections? To make a decision, it is necessary to have full information about the drug.

First of all, you must know that hyaluronic acid is a part of many organs and tissues of the body, including it is contained in our skin. This unique substance binds water in the cells and the intercellular space, and thus allows the skin to look young and stay toned.

However, with age, hyaluronic acid production in the body decreases, wrinkles, skin loses its tone. Beauticians offer to remedy the lack of the desired acid artificially by injecting it through injection. As a result, the course of treatment (usually need to do 3-4, with an interval of 3-4 weeks) significantly improves the skin condition, it is humidified, gets a nice color, smooth fine lines. Six months later, the course must be repeated.

Also, hyaluronic acid is used for contouring: it is introduced into the skin to correct deep wrinkles, nasolabial folds, lip augmentation, improvement of facial contours.

Hyaluronic acid - a drug that is natural to man. Therefore, it is safe, non-allergenic, after some time, he eliminated from the body without causing problems. In addition. This acid stimulates the potentiation of collagen and elastin, starts the regeneration of tissues.

Of course, hyaluronic acid is found in many cosmetic products. But only by injection can be delivered into deeper layers of the skin which need humidifying. Creams do work only on the surface.

The downside of the procedure is its tenderness. But before injections do local anesthesia with a special cream. After the injection is swelling and redness, which disappear within 1-2 days. 2 weeks after the procedure can not sunbathe, steam bath, make active exercise.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the arguments in favor of the use of hyaluronic acid is greater than the arguments against. However, deciding on a procedure should carefully approach the selection of the master and the salon: the consequences of inept injection can negate all the advantages of the methodology. After all, if you enter the wrong gilauronku, under the skin can form nodules.

For the rest, it is better not to fear, and resolutely move towards beauty and youth.

Tags: prick, no acid, a consequence, the use, production, injection, application