How to properly care for the skin around the eyes after 30 years

How to properly care for the skin around the eyes after 30 years
 Delicate skin around the eyes, thin and sensitive. As well important to her proper care! And after 30 years - especially. At this age, there are the first fine lines, puffiness and "bags" under the eyes - as the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle (chronic lack of sleep, poor diet, frequent stay outside in sunny weather without goggles). To resolve the first manifestation of age, a systematic care for the skin around the eye, which is thoroughly cleansed and regular meals.

Clean the skin around the eyes jelly special makeup remover, designed specifically for this area. With a cotton swab, very carefully and gently remove cosmetics, be careful not to stretch the skin. Do not use for this purpose usual soap is not only dries up the skin around the eyes, but it can cause irritation.

After 30 years of application of caring creams, lotions and gels should get into the habit. Choose the right for you cosmetic product does not cause discomfort and redness. When expressed for wrinkles around the eyes is best to use a nourishing cream, with tendency to edema - a light moisturizing gel.

Apply cream or gel lightly fingertips on the outer corners of the eyes to the nose, on the upper eyelid - in the opposite direction.

Thorough cleansing of the skin and regular use of high-quality cream - required measures to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and reduce existing ones. But this is not enough. After 30 years of caring for the skin around the eye should include the use of a variety of nourishing masks and soothing compresses. Do not have to spend time and money in the cabin, all this can be made at home, from the simplest products.

Potato mask - paste of grated raw potatoes attach to your eyes for twenty minutes, repeat this procedure twice a week. The mask is caring for the area around the eyes: soothes, reduces swelling, relieves redness.

Use butter or any vegetable oil for the skin around the eyes - apply it before going to bed with a thin layer of cream instead. Oil smoothes fine and nourishes the skin, reduces wrinkles.

Mix a teaspoon of banana pulp with a teaspoon of butter. Apply this cream on a makeshift eye area, leave for half an hour, rinse with warm water.

Packs of strong brewed tea or chamomile - a great tool for toning the skin, getting rid of puffiness and signs of fatigue. Brew a cup of boiling water a tablespoon of chamomile flowers, allow to stand for at least an hour, strain and use for compresses. Soak cotton pads in the infusion, wring out, attach to your eyes for ten minutes. Instead, you can use chamomile strong tea or tea bags.

Get enough sleep. After 30 years of healthy, adequate sleep - a necessary component of care for the eye area. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, do not overdo it when working at the computer. These simple steps will allow your eyes to stay healthy for a long time, the skin around the eyes - smooth and elastic, and you - a beautiful and charming at any age.

Tags: Eye, skin, cream, Ambassador care area