How to moisturize your skin at home

How to moisturize your skin at home
 That the skin young and healthy as long as possible, for it requires constant care. If the skin is dry and starts to peel and crack, wrinkles, then it needs moisture.
 Cream and Lotion

Hydration of the skin is a very important procedure, especially if it is dry by nature. As for this face, and body, and even feet. To avoid confusion in creams, neck and chin can smear cream for the face and the hands and heels - body cream. Apply the cream should immediately after taking a shower or facial cleansing tonic or milk 2 times a day, morning and evening. Skin around the eyes can not smear moisturizer for her need to find a special tool.

Pocket Shower

Thermal water is able to save on air conditioning and dust, as well as moisturize the skin. Small bottle is very convenient to carry around, and, in addition, this method does not spoil the makeup moisture, but on the contrary makes it more resistant.

Two liters per day

To moisturize the skin must drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day, but not at night, and you can wake up in the morning with swelling. And you can not drink carbonated and sugary drinks as they only bring harm to the body. It is advisable to use only pure non-carbonated water, chilled green tea, lemon water, broth hips or sweet juice.

Good air

It is very important to maintain the humidity in the apartment. Since the beginning of the heating season, it is recommended to buy a special moisturizer or just put in the room of the reach of the eye place a cup of water. If no such place, you can make them the subject of the interior. For example, it is possible in a cup of water to lower the floating candles, flower petals or stars of shiny foil.

Squash mask

Grind grinder small amount of zucchini pulp, put on gauze and apply to face for 20-25 minutes. This mask has a cleansing and moisturizing effect.

Kalinovaya mask

Grind fresh guelder rose leaves and apply on the face, after brushing her fat cream, for 15-20 minutes.

Carrot mask

Mix 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 fresh egg yolks, 2 teaspoons of fresh carrot juice. Apply on face for 30 minutes.

Tags: skin home condition, the method moisturizing