How to look younger

How to look younger
 Every woman pleasing compliment that she looks younger than his age. But what if others see you as a woman older? Do not despair, it is not necessary to resort to plastic surgery, there are quite affordable methods and techniques that will enable you to look younger.

Secret 1

Cream with retinol enrich your skin with vitamin A, the so-called vitamin of youth. Renew skin cells, wrinkles smoothed within six months after applying the cream.
Not necessarily pick up a special agent with vitamin A, it is enough to buy at the pharmacy liquid vitamin A and add a few drops in your night cream.

Secret 2

Permanent peeling. The older you get, the drier the skin becomes. Accumulate on the surface of dead skin cells. With peeling, you will help the new skin cells that contain moisture up to the upper layers. After the procedure, the skin looks younger, well-groomed and able to absorb more beneficial active ingredients.

However, exfoliation is necessary to do, considering your skin type. Better to stay on chemical peeling based on organic acids, especially those with sensitive skin.

Secret 3

Moisturize. Cream for wrinkles efficiency through intensive moisturizing. Women after thirty especially wetting agents must be used continuously, in particular those which contain glycerol, hyaluronic acid, or lanolin.

Also useful in the mask with the addition of olive oil, sunflower oil or coconut oil.

Secret 4

Clarification. Take a few strands around the face a few shades lighter than the rest of the hair. Dark shades visually obscure the face, make him tired. Bright contrast, added fresh image.

Secret 5

Beware of the sun. After thirty ultraviolet rays affect the skin stronger. Sunburn can turn for you a beautiful bronze complexion and wrinkles and age spots. Do not defeat protective creams, especially in the daytime, when the radiation intense.

The secret of 6

Transparent tone. For visual rejuvenating effect, choose light and transparent tonal resources.

Secret 7

If the structure of the hair allows vystrigite bangs. It helps hide wrinkles on the forehead, and his face will begin to seem younger.

The secret of 8

Eyebrow. Irregularly shaped eyebrows, too wide or thin, spoil the image. Please use the services of professionals and you will realize that it is important.

The secret 9

Less dark shades. To give the appearance of freshness, use a soft pink lip gloss, light shadows and blush. Discard the dark shades of shadows and lipsticks.

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