How to hide the bump on the nose

How to hide the bump on the nose
 Nose that stands out too, can ruin even the most pretty face. Especially if the small hump on it too noticeable. After all, it can visually distort or increase the nose, thus attracting unwanted attention to his associates.
 Any person may be attractive if it is unique and rather original. But if a small hump on the nose for you is a serious problem, then you may well get rid of it or to correct this defect noticeable in several ways.

To change your facial features, "victory" boring bump on the nose with the help of rhinoplasty, you should first consult about this plastic surgery with the surgeon and otolaryngologist. Of course, rhinoplasty - is the most radical method of struggle. The more so because such an operation done only at medical centers graduates who work in the field of surgery and cosmetology. That is why it costs dearly.

In addition, since it is performed under local or general anesthesia, you have to go and complete a survey and find out whether you have, for example, problems with liver or heart. And in order to overcome the effects of surgery, also take some time. Thus, swelling and bruising will disappear in about two weeks.

If it turns out that the operation is contraindicated or undesirable, then in that case you can try to remove the bump with the help of special exercises, namely the complex gymnastics of Carole Maggio. Immediately aware that these exercises can help get rid of it, only if it is a cartilage rather than bone.

If both methods are not suitable, distract, and successful, attention from the hump on the nose, you can use the usual makeup. For this will be enough to learn how to apply face powder to different tones as follows:
- Apply to the back of the nose darker tone, and on the wings of the nose - light;
- Powder blend well to make-up was natural.

Tags: face, nose, exercise crook