How to get rid of warts hanging

How to get rid of warts hanging
 Warts - different in size and location of the benign growths on the skin. Must treat them as papilloma virus which causes warts and transmitted through or household objects upon contact.
 There are several varieties of warts: papilloma warts, plantar, flat as well, hanging or filamentary. The latter type is characterized by the presence of so-called legs. They appear, usually in the neck, groin and armpits.

To get rid of warts hanging must always consult with a specialist. Only after a thorough examination of physician supply you the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary procedures and drugs. A visit to a dermatologist is a necessary measure, as is often the wart can be confused with other neoplasms (more serious).

Methods for getting rid of warts

- Remove surgically;
- Removal of an electric current;
- Laser skin cleansing;
- Burning liquid nitrogen et al.

Popular ways to remove warts hanging

Often Hanging warts removed using mummy. You can buy it at the pharmacy. For this piece of moistened mummy saliva and smeared on the skin directly to the tumor. This procedure was repeated 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.

Castor oil also effectively removes warts hanging. It should be rubbed 2-3 times a day for 5 days. Note: castor oil, apply gently to not get microtrauma.

Celandine mixture of Vaseline and perfectly removes Hanging warts. To this end, these components are mixed in equal proportions and applied with light massage movements directly to the lesion. Chelidonii must first be a good chop. Recommended procedure carried out 1-2 times a day for 5-7 days.

Remember: traditional methods and recipes can be used only after consultation with the doctor, because in some cases, possible side effects and allergic reactions.

Tags: wart removal, prescription, treatment method