How to get rid of freckles

How to get rid of freckles
 People with fair skin (and for our country, it is quite typical) and hair each year with the advent of the sun at risk to get more and more noticeable freckles on his face. Some freckles like - after all, they give an additional charm to the owner. But most of the "red and freckled" dream freckles lime. You can try to get rid of freckles, see a doctor, you can resort to folk remedies (which is undoubtedly more economical).

Treatment options that involve the doctors are quite diverse. The simplest of them - the bleaching cream. Its action is based on blocking melanin pigment responsible for tanning. Use the cream should be strictly according to instructions and as the regular use of freckles fade.
Help get rid of freckles and a chemical peel procedure. The dermatologist will remove the top layers of your skin, and freckles as had happened. Only have a few days to sit at home, so as not to frighten the surrounding aesthetic consequences procedure.

Laser treatment - one more professional way to deal with freckles. This method allows to influence the dot problem, destroying the cells containing melanin. Effectiveness is high, but the recovery period lasts a couple of weeks the skin, besides it may take several sessions of laser treatment and procedures are quite expensive.

For those who are scared to death of people in white coats and does not like to spend money, there is a home version of the fight with freckles. Gradually withdraw spots from the face can be using bleach masks and traditional recipes. Try, for example, every day at bedtime to wash cream. Lactic Acid gently affects the upper layers of the skin, otshelushivaya them.

Twice a day, lubricate freckles lemon juice, leaving it on the face for 10-15 minutes, until the spots do not fade. But do not forget before going in the sun thoroughly wash your face.

You can even make your own cream (great alternative to pharmacy). Mix 60 ml of lemon juice, 60 ml of rum, 1 teaspoon of glycerin and 4 tablespoons low-fat cream. Apply the mixture to the face twice a day for 30 minutes, then rinse. This cream does not help one hundred "solar pets" to get rid of freckles.

Tags: freckle, sunburn