How to even out skin tone

How to even out skin tone
 According to many experts, the skin - a business card of the person. Good beautician or doctor as skin immediately identify many of the problems and needs of the body. Have a flat smooth beautiful skin every girl wants. And modern cosmetology largely designed to provide exactly this effect. If you do not have the opportunity to attend a cosmetologist, try to align the tone of the face alone.

Weekly use exfoliants: peelings, scrubs, enzyme (chemical) peelings. The choice of tools depends on your skin type and your preferences in texture. Chemical peels do not contain abrasive particles, it allows you to remove the top layer of dead skin cells by dissolving the bonds between them. Scrub and peel contain particles, natural or synthetic, otsheluschivayuschie skin thanks massaging.

If you have a problem pigmentation, to equalize the complexion weekly use whitening mask. They can be bought in a shop or cook yourself with lemon juice, parsley juice, cucumber or carrot.

Always use care products: day and night creams, moisturizing mask. Funds for the skin around the eyes should also be on your table. They make the skin soft, velvety, soft, smooth wrinkles, get rid of peeling.

Use of tonal resources. Using the foundation makes the skin more radiant and relaxed, allow small mask inflammation, pimples, freckles and dark spots. However, to the choice of tonal resources need to be taken responsibly. The main criteria for determining your ideal foundation - this is your skin type, skin (sensitive, dehydrated), the texture, the smell, the brand and composition tools. The color of foundation should match the color of the skin. If you have a skin with a pronounced yellow tinge, pay attention to the creams with pink pigment, not to strengthen the yellowing and vice versa.

The skin around the eyes, apply concealer to hide dark circles, puffiness. Do this soft padded ring finger pohlapyvayuschimi movements. In any case, do not apply foundation or concealer on the area of ​​"crow's feet" to not stress even more wrinkles. On the area of ​​rolling century you can also apply a little concealer to even out skin tone slightly.

Also refresh and align the skin tone will help light powder and blush gentle natural shade.
Complete the image using shades of natural beige and pink tones, ink and gentle luster.
Now your tone even envied person model!

Tags: skin, face cream, beauty, care, tone, scrub