Chemical peels: pros and cons

Chemical peels: pros and cons
 To date, the issues of skin rejuvenation dominant place is occupied by a chemical peel, because its implementation is not necessary to use expensive equipment. Depending on the type and skin lesions (wrinkles, acne, etc.) cosmetologist assigns a specific type of peeling, which varies according to the degree of depth vozdeytsviya the skin.

Through this procedure, the cleaning of the skin can not only escape from the stratum corneum of the skin, which hinders the natural process of regeneration, but also to remove pigmentary stains, reduce wrinkles, acne, and also successfully treat excessive oiliness.

According to the degree of exposure to chemical cleaning of the skin are divided into three groups: the first - superficial peeling, the second - the middle, and the third - deep peeling.

Advantages of cleaning procedures chemical method is, firstly, that it does not require any special training to conduct client and leaves no residue, which would require additional treatment.

Secondly, the process of peeling chemical method of surface effects is absolutely painless, despite the fact that the principle of its action is "burning" of the surface layer of the skin exposed to it chemically active substances, middle and deep types of cleaning can cause the patient slight tingling or burning.

Third, the great advantage of the method is the wide range of indications to it. Patients young age chemical peels can effectively deal with problem skin, older customers - with fine facial wrinkles, also removing skin pigmentation that appears after hormonal treatment or pregnancy. Middle and deep peels can get rid of wrinkles average depth of scars after acne treatment, skin hyperpigmentation caused not only a violation of hormonal processes, but also associated with age-related changes of the skin.

The disadvantages of the method is its inability to defeat a very deep wrinkles, post-operative, colloidal scars as well as stretch marks. No less serious drawback chemical peel procedure is a possible allergic reaction to some components of chemical peeling compositions.

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