Tattoo on his neck: all the "pros" and "cons"

Tattoo on his neck: all the "pros" and "cons"
 Recently, the trend of tattooing in intimate areas, ankles and neck. It is acceptable for the female half of the population, and for men. Tattoo on the neck is particularly prevalent.

In the salons offer both permanent and temporary tattoos. However, it is necessary to know what tattoos for a year or two does not happen. Temporary tattoos, made with vegetable dyes, holds an average of two weeks. Tattoo constant stuffed artificial colors and stays with you for life. The only caveat - when the so-called tattoo "year" which only affects the top layers of the skin. However, in such an embodiment, the quality can suffer. With blood come out and some of the paint, the color will turn out uneven.

With regard to the chosen location for a tattoo. For girls the best option would be behind the neck under the hair. You may want to hide her hair. However, when age to experiment with your appearance will take place, beautiful hairstyles with hair raised will be adamant taboo. On guys look very stylish tattoos on the neck side. But when the time comes to get a lucrative job serious, this nuance can play a negative role and serve as an argument to the contrary.

If you made a poor-quality tattoo or you just feel the need for its removal, be aware that this operation is very, very expensive if performed on a modern laser equipment. A removal of tattoos milk gives effect scarring. That is the paint you print, and contour remain colorless, but with a distorted and mutilated edges.

Plays an important role soreness. Neck - one of the most sensitive places. Although the pain threshold is different for all people, the operation in any case not a pleasant one. It is worth noting that, among other things, a tattoo on his neck are not uncommon and that you can not tell the difference.

If you are a long time dreamed it tattooed on his neck, and particularly confident image, which are willing to co-exist, you do not disturb any doubt, the profession you creative, creative, devoid of strict requirements for appearance, you believe in the professionalism of the selected master willing to endure the pain, then you have nothing to fear perhaps, and can safely be solved on a long-awaited step.

Tags: neck tattoo option