You can enlarge your breasts and cardinal way, had plastic surgery. Still, this method should be resorted to only in extreme cases, as did breast augmentation surgery expensive, and its consequences can be the most unexpected. In addition, the problem is often the small chest girls simply far-fetched. And it suffices to apply some tricks that will help visually make breasts bigger.
The most effective way - is to buy push-up bra. He not only visually enhances the chest, but lift the beautifully it. Warning! - Choose his underwear size strictly necessary, otherwise the desired effect is achieved. If you are going to wear open dress that does not imply the existence of a bra, then use a special silicone pads on the chest, they will give her a nice shape, make eye on one or two sizes larger. Maybe some girls seem that this underwear is expensive, but be aware that you will not wear it one day and not even one month. In any case, these bras and pads on the chest is much cheaper plastic surgery, and certainly safer it.
Properly chosen clothes will also help to visually enlarge the breasts. For example, different blouses, sweaters, dresses with V-neck perfectly cope with this task. Also build pockets, flounces and other volumetric decorative elements in the chest and shoulders make breasts bigger. The same effect can be achieved by wearing a T-shirt with large inscriptions on the chest. But too large parts too deep cleavage, too large patterns can, on the contrary, to reduce chest. Therefore it is necessary to observe moderation when choosing clothes with such elements.
If you want your breasts seem bigger than it really is, you should not wear tight clothes, however, and too bulky and too loose toilets will not work. The best - choose clothes semiadherent silhouette light shades.
Highlight and visually enlarge small breasts and help different sweaters and vests large knitted fur products. Therefore, during the cold season even easier to visually make breasts bigger, as it will be enough to put on a warm sweater or vest.
Using a variety of accessories - scarves, pendants, beads - will also help to visually enlarge your bust. You can resort to the help of cosmetics. On the valley between her breasts, apply a light tone powder or foundation, and on the inner sides - darker. This technique will not only give breast volume, but also beautifully accentuate its shape.