How to use wheat germ oil

How to use wheat germ oil
 Wheat germ oil is called a natural storehouse of vitamins. But even this is not valued it more than anything. This unique oil contains active ingredients, originally incorporated in the grain for the emergence of a new life. It is logical to assume that the food or drink is used as a cosmetic product wheat germ oil activates all vital processes in our body. That's why he willingly engaged in the production of the food industry (production of all kinds of dietary supplements based on it). For the same reasons it is widely used in the food industry and in medicine and cosmetology.

People who use wheat germ oil in one form or another, expect from him in the first place, the effect of rejuvenation. And their expectations are not in vain. After all, it is like no other vegetable oil is extremely rich in vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant, which extended through the youth of the whole organism, and the condition of the skin in particular. In combination with vitamins A, B, D, PP, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lecithin and other elements contained in the wheat germ oil, vitamin E in the body dispenses strong constructive work.

Wheat germ oil - a rather dense (thick) on the consistency of the substance, so use it in its pure form, for example, to supply the skin of the face and neck is rather difficult. It is difficult to apply, hard "lies", long absorbed within a certain time does not allow the skin to breathe normally. Therefore, it is reasonable to oil mixed with other, lighter - olive, almond, peach. The optimum ratio of 1: 3 or 1: 4, i.e. one part of wheat germ oil should be "diluted" 3-4 parts of other oils. For oily skin of the face is very well mixed with wheat germ oil, grape seed oil.

The resulting mixture of vegetable oils used as a night cream (applied and after 10 minutes remove the remnants of cloth) or as a mask (keep 15-20 minutes). Not only the person can indulge with this mixture, but also the neck, décolleté and hands. But coarsened skin on the elbows, knees, heels (as well as small wounds, burns, abscesses) can be lubricated with undiluted wheat germ oil.

Wheat germ oil in its pure form is also suitable for skin care in places where wrinkles are most noticeable is the outer corners of the eyes (wrinkles), and nasolabial area between the eyebrows. One should avoid causing wheat germ oil undiluted directly on the eyelids. For thin eyelid skin is too heavy and dense, while there is the risk of edema and circles under the eyes. For your own safety is better to dilute it in the ratio of 1: 4 with rosehip oil or almond. Especially shows such a mixture is too dry, heavily wrinkled and flabby skin around the eyes.
Wheat germ oil is indispensable in the care of lips. It can be used in pure form but can be mixed 1: 1 with olive oil or jojoba oil. For cracked, chapped lips is just salvation. And those who suffer from the formation of the so-called Zayed in the corners of the mouth, after 3-4 days to forget what it is.
Wheat germ oil can be added to your favorite night cream or homemade face masks, as well as warm compresses for hands and feet.

Internal use of wheat germ oil - a recognized tool in the fight for youth and beauty - involves adding it in small amounts in salads or cereal, as well as in pure form by 1 to 2 tsp. Meals.

Tags: effect, butter, wheat, application, germ