How to treat a thorn in the heel

How to treat a thorn in the heel
 Spikes are formed mainly on the soles of the feet or heels. While walking with pressure on the spike appears sharp pain. Get rid of the tumor, you can use traditional medicine, but it will take some time. If you do not want to wait, feel free to go to a surgeon.
 When you contact the hospital you will remove the thorn with a laser. In some cases, when the size of large tumors, it is removed with tweezers, making a very small incision. The healing process depends on your lifestyle, but the less you walk, the faster will be discomfort.

If you go to the doctor you're afraid to try to get rid of a thorn in the home. Pour into a deep basin of hot water and add a little salt or mustard powder. Steamed legs about 30 minutes. Prepare the skin in the area of ​​the stud alcohol. And then try to catch it with tweezers and pull out. If the spike is small, then it will not work. After the procedure to re-treat the skin with alcohol or iodine.

For the treatment of small spines well to cement, which will require no more than a matchbox. After the adoption of foot baths rub cement spike. The procedure is performed daily at bedtime. Always wear socks and do not remove them until the morning.

Help get rid of the spike and tincture "Argonika." Its composition contains silver ions, and also it has an antibacterial effect. Tincture diluted with water is not necessary. Just lubricate the spike, and is superimposed cellophane and fix all the plaster. After 5-7 treatments spike will come out, but the memory of it will be only a small depression, which gradually heal.

In folk medicine used for the treatment and copper spikes and plantar warts. If you have a copper plate or coin, it is red-hot and then cooled to 45-50 degrees. Quickly attach to the spine and secure with an elastic bandage. You should see a slight burning sensation, so you should wait a little. Copper apply for the night before the day of the stud.

If you do not help from traditional medicine, and walking and running with pain, take heart and go to the hospital. Remove the spike is performed under local anesthesia, so much pain you feel.

Tags: spike outsole