How to tighten the skin of the neck

How to tighten the skin of the neck
 If you look in the mirror you will notice that your beautiful image begin to spoil a double chin and sagging neck skin, it's time to take the initiative in their hands. The situation can still be saved, if the time to take advantage of the tips and tricks, how to tighten neck skin at home.
 Longer-lasting skin supple and elastic, you need every day to care for her: massage, use a mask, and sleep on a low pillow. In the morning, rinse in cold water neck, sending her strong pressure shower. And in the evening, washing-up, wipe the tonic neck, as of the day it was formed in the dust that clogs the pores.

Loose skin on the neck is prone to wrinkles and sagging, distinguished by its low elasticity, pale color. Estheticians insist that firming massage helps to tighten the skin of the neck. To do this, pat the back of the palms on the side of the neck in an upward direction. After such heating of the skin, start stroking his knuckles, completing massage pat. While taking a shower is also recommended to massage the neck soapy hands.

Also, when tightening the neck effective exercises. Pull the lips into a tube and pronounce the letter "o", "y", "i". This exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck wide. The second exercise perform sitting before the mirror, putting the fingers of one hand at the level of the clavicle, and the other hand on chin. Followed by lower corners of the mouth down, straining the muscles of the neck. At this time, the hands should also experience muscle tension. And in the mirror you can see how much skin on the neck rises. This muscle strain and relax her, repeating this exercise several times.

Do not forget to make compresses of natural herbs, fruits or vegetables, wrapping cellophane and neck scarf. It is better to repeat the procedure every other day.

In addition, use a potato mask for the skin of the neck. Take a few raw potatoes and wash them under running water. Next, clean it, so that was a long peel. The so-called band-skinned neck wrap and secure the top with plastic to keep everything. Forty minutes later, remove everything and wash neck massage movements. After this brush with neck fat or a special cream for the neck.

Tags: leather, mask, neck