First of all it is necessary to steam heel. To do this, you can pour into a bowl of hot water, but you can just sit for ten minutes in the bathroom. At this stage, your task is to soften the hardened layers of dead skin and make them more pliable. But the foot bath can be combined with relaxing treatments. Pour in the water of sea salt and apply a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Or, if you prefer recipes tested yet grandmothers in boiling water brew chamomile flowers and sage and pour in hot water. Relaxing effect of this procedure will help you recover from a busy day and return force, and on their feet will have a very strong revitalizing effect.
After the heel well to steam, you can start the procedure by removing the rough skin. Here you can not do without pumice or a special saw blade for heels. Thoroughly dry your feet and start removing the dead layer. Particularly zealous in this matter is not necessary. At first glance it may seem that rough skin goes very deep, but endeavors to remove as much as possible at once, you can damage living tissue. For the same reason, do not use anything other than a pumice or special saws. Do not try for a quick lift large amounts of rough skin with a razor blade or knife.
Once finished manipulation with abrasive materials, make sure to hold the little feet in warm bath. It is desirable to change the pure water, and add to it some toning agent. After you finish relax and prepare yourself for new challenges. Great rosemary, tea tree and any citrus. After the last bath is well wipe his feet with a soft towel and treat with a special scrub - it will help clear your skin of dead cells on the entire surface of the legs and grind your heel to the ideal state.
And now the final touch - the application of nourishing cream. If you now leave the legs as it is, in a few hours all the bumps and roughness harden and will scratch even harder than they did prior to all procedures. It is therefore necessary to take care of hydration and nutrition in advance. After the scrub heavily Spread your legs steamed and peeled with a nourishing cream, put on soft warm socks and relax for a while from the hustle and bustle, allowing himself to just lie in bed for fun.
If you repeat the procedure at least once every two weeks, your heels will always remain soft and smooth, and look at them is a pleasure. In addition, the bath with herbs or essential oils and foot massage is very beneficial effect on the body, bringing you the power, beauty and youth.