How to get rid of moles at home

How to get rid of moles at home
 Ways to get rid of unwanted moles, without resorting to surgery, known for a long time. About them and described in this article.  

How to get rid of moles at home

For the gradual removal of birthmark ideal rubbing various oils and ointments. For example, if you mix linseed oil and add a spoonful of honey, you get a beautiful wrap that can be make for a few minutes, then rinse. But not only the linseed oil is suitable for this procedure, castor - also a great option. They need to rub your birthmark two or three times a day. Means better than others brightening moles - pineapple juice. To get the effect you just wipe them several times a day.


How to get rid of moles at home

Also, your assistants in the removal of birthmark become products such as potatoes, spinach, butternut melon, apple cider vinegar, avocado, grapefruit, tomatoes, lime and banana. Do not be amiss to and use of onion juice, but it will have the desired effect only on a small mole.


How to get rid of moles at home

Another poultice can be produced from vitamin C, available in tablets. Just break it and attach to the mole. Soon will lightening, and then complete its removal.

Pay attention

All of these ways to get rid of moles are very effective, but remember that the safest place to start, consult a specialist. He competently pick up exactly the kind of treatment that is right for you and will reduce the risks and complications to zero.

Useful Tips

Effective means to remove not only moles, warts and is quite useful dandelion juice.

Tags: domestic, condition, warts, moles, getting