How to Eat on time of day

How to Eat on time of day
 If you decide to take care of yourself and your weight, you need to tightly control each meal. To do this, we need to develop an optimal power system, depending on the time of day. Already children very young age know that you must eat 3-4 times a day, and that for this there are breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. But in recent years, different diets brought a lot of new in uniform and eating habits that existed for many centuries.  

Breakfast - is sacred, in any case can not miss it. It was at this meal, between 6 - 9 hours, people get the main supply of energy for a day, who actively burn throughout the day. If you are overweight and you want to get rid of it, it will be a great breakfast oatmeal, yogurt, boiled egg, boiled chicken or a cup of yogurt. In addition, you can turn on the menu a few unsweetened fruit - supply of vitamins needed by the body.

Also proved empirically that even baking and sweets are not deposited in the "bins", to use these products in the first half of the day. About half of the eleventh can wake up a slight feeling of hunger. Remove it with the help of low-fat cottage cheese or not eat at all.

Next meal - it's dinner. It should consist of protein. Ideal fish or lean meat, do not forget the portion of carbohydrates in a salad, complete with a small amount of vegetable oil.

For dinner, be sure to eat boiled vegetables or anything like that, because it is the meal insures you against possible night hike to the fridge, the result of which is undesirable for the figure.

Another little trick: try to break between morning and evening meal was at least 14-15 hours (18.00 dinner, breakfast 8.00-9.00). Then slim figure you provided.

Meals on the time of day - a great chance to lose weight without dieting. Extra pounds will not receive support at night, will melt like a bad dream. At night, it is recommended to eat only anorexic being treated for his illness. Precise control of his regime and meals literally on the clock to help develop a stable and effective system, which in the future may not change for years. And it's no secret that many celebrities - adherents definitely similar methods.

Meals on the time of day receives highest honors doctors of many specialties. Nutritionists approve permanent weight, endocrinologists - balanced metabolism, psychotherapists - a clear plan of actions and self-confidence, and therapists fail to astonish your good health.

Adhere to the system of proper nutrition, then your body will work like a Swiss watch.

Tags: time, diet, nutrition, kilogram per day