How to determine the weight on growth

How to determine the weight on growth
 To determine the excess or lack of weight, you must know your normal weight. It is called "perfect." This average body weight which should be in a human at certain parameters. Most important of which is the growth.
 The simplest formula for the calculation of normal body weight at a certain growth is as follows: take the height in centimeters and subtract 110. The resulting number will be your ideal weight. However, this formula is very approximate.

For a more precise definition of normal weight should be considered BMI. It is calculated by the formula: weight in kilograms is divided by height in meters squared. Thus obtained shows the correspondence between the number of man and his weight increase. If the body mass index of 18 or less, we can talk about the lack of weight. If the value is from 18 to 25 - normal weight. Body mass index of 25 or more indicates overweight or obese.

Based on calculations of body mass index for clarity created a table. One unit of scale shown growth, on the other - weight. At their intersection marked by mass. Highlighted in chapels, in which the weight of the body at a certain growth is normal. These tables are in each medical facility.

There are two other similar formulas for calculating normal body weight on growth. By ideal weight equal to one (height in centimeters minus 150) multiplied by 0, 75, 50. According to another add - height in centimeters minus 100 minus 0, 25, multiplied by (height in centimeters minus 150). These formulas are also approximate.

To determine normal weight more accurately, it is possible to measure the growth in addition to another indicator - the volume of the breast. It is necessary to measure the chest circumference at the level of the nipple on the first breath, then exhale. Calculate the mean value and multiply it by the growth. Divide the result by 240. The resulting value - ideal weight. Tolerance - 10%. That is, all the weight in these aisles will be considered the norm.

Tags: height, weight ratio