If you want to whiten the skin, get rid of age spots, freckles or even red marks from acne, you should prepare a frozen broth of parsley that will turn you into a Snow White in just one week of regular use. To do this, you need to boil water, throw a bunch of fresh parsley, boil for about 10 minutes, cool and pour into formochkam. This ice is also great to hide the traces of fatigue under his eyes, he will cope with the swelling, bags and dark circles.
Locally on the dark circles and bags under the eyes, if you suffer from them very often, can be pretty too strong frozen custard ice of coffee. Boil strong coffee mixed with water in the proportions of the rate of one to two, cool to cold temperature and pour into formochkam. This ice is especially good after sleepless nights, it is well tones the skin, tightens and brightens it. After the procedure should go through the skin moist swab to remove residual composition, leaving dark spots.
As for the fat and porous skin, then it just shows every morning wiping the frozen composition of pure water and citrus juice. Fruits can choose any - lemons, grapefruit, oranges. Citrus juice remarkably narrow the pores and oily skin saturate it needs vitamin C, which enhances the skin's immunity to microbes, as well as strengthen its structure. Ice and strong enough green tea - this is the best tonic for the skin, it tightens pores and well disinfects it.
If your skin is dry and sensitive, it is very well organize cryomassage frozen milk or cream, and a decoction of raspberries. In the first case, just freeze slightly diluted milk or cream and raspberries should just boil and infuse for about 10 minutes. Then cooled broth, well filtered and poured into formochkam.