How to calculate calorie ready meals

How to calculate calorie ready meals
 In order to keep track of your weight, you need to be interested in calorie food that you eat. A diet is not difficult if the energy value of the products listed on the packaging or you can look at it in a special table. But if you prefer to cook their own meals, then the caloric count of meals can be difficult. Save slim while eating homemade food will help a few rules of counting the energy value of the finished dishes.

Counting calories is necessary to begin to cook it. To do this, weigh all the ingredients in the proportions in which they are necessary for your culinary creations, and calculate their energy value, using a special table. When counting in mind that in the table shows the number of calories per 100 g of product, in order to determine the exact value, multiply the number of calories in the table on the weight in grams of the product that has been defined by you in weighing, and divide by 100. Do not forget to learn the amount of energy in oil on which you'll fry vegetables. Salt, herbs and spices can be ignored, since their presence has little effect on the overall calorie content.

If you cook the soup or any other dish where all the products are in the same pan and do not change the volume, simply add together the figures. To find a specific calorie bowl of soup, first weigh all the soup in the pan, and then the soup plate, taking away from the get the value of the weight of dishes. Then the total number of calories dishes multiply the weight of the soup in a bowl and divide by the weight of the soup in the pan. The resulting figure will mean energy value of a bowl of soup.

To determine the caloric one finished meatballs add up the amount of energy in all the components required to make all the chops, then divide the total by the number of servings. In the same way are calculated energy value in pies, pasties, pelmeni and Tat.

To calculate the number of calories in cereals and pasta, increase their volume when cooked through soaking water, you need to understand that their caloric content after cooking will be less than in dry form, by 3-4 times.

Drying crackers, berries or fruits reduces their volume several times. Therefore, end-calorie meals will be higher than before cooking. To calculate the amount of energy in the dried product, find out how many times to reduce their weight after drying. Multiply the value by the resulting number.

Tags: calorie, meal, calories, plate, value