How to build up teeth

How to build up teeth
 White smile - an indicator of health and natural decoration. However, poor environment, insufficiently treated chronic diseases, accidents stresses destroy teeth. Modern dentistry can help those who are sensitive to the health of the teeth and their appearance.
 Now dentists can fix almost any defects. This applies to damages of any complexity: from the restoration of chipping in a few millimeters to a complete recovery of the whole tooth.

Reasons for concern for the aesthetic component of dental health in modern society very different. This can be an elementary concern for its beauty, forced to appeal to the dentist after an injury, or, for example, compliance with the dress code of the prestigious organization. Artificial teeth and help to solve medical and aesthetic problems.

Ways to enhance the teeth

A first embodiment capacity - composites using photopolymers. This is recommended when the damage is not very significant. Composites may take any shape which allows to lyuboyu desired shape they are durable and harden only under the influence of the light beam. You will see the result after the first visit to the dentist.

The second option - increasing tooth pin (pin). This method is shown in the case of the tooth almost nothing is left, but a root. First is an X-ray, and then modeled the appropriate form of the crown. Then, the root canal is implanted metal pin (pin). Around the pin imposed special Sealing means by which restores the crown. This technology gives accrued tooth "double mount" - is a native root, and added to it the pin.

The advantages of building the teeth are as follows.

They are durable. Modern dental materials can not be afraid of that "use" with accrued tooth something happens. The restored teeth strong and durable and, barring accidental injury, they will serve as owner and family.

Do not injure tissue. Other manipulations teeth require serious intervention, such as sewing, while building on the contrary, are all possible areas.

The maximum possible recovery of the surface. To build the main thing that has remained intact root of the tooth and the surrounding bone - in compliance with the conditions of the rest of the surface of the tooth can be restored.

Natural look. During the build-up so the dentist can choose the materials to accrued tooth is fully consistent with relatives on the color and transparency, no different from the rest of the teeth.

In building there are also disadvantages.

The main disadvantage - the high cost of the procedure. Capacity is more expensive than, for example, put a crown, but cheaper than the implantation or pin setting.

The second disadvantage is that, in each case has its own nuances duration of "life" accrued tooth. How much will last and how it will behave accrued tooth, it is impossible to predict exactly, it will depend on the individual patient's state of health, diet and lifestyle.

Tags: tooth pin implant