Feline grace: 5 Secrets of a beautiful gait

Feline grace: 5 Secrets of a beautiful gait
 Well-chosen dress and correctly applying makeup, of course, attract glances to the woman. But really it makes a woman beautiful gait. That it is the hallmark of a woman and does not just throw a quick glance, and a long look after its possessor.
 Most women are satisfied with their gait, it seems convenient to them. But comfortable - does not mean beautiful. Try to look at ourselves and assess how gracefully move around. Note the correct position of the spine in a beautiful gait, it is also your health, and the necessary muscle tone, which is in a favorable light can present the female figure.

So, if you have the desire to work on yourself, you should pay attention to the following recommendations.

1. "Flying gait."

To begin to pay attention to your posture. Without it there is no beautiful gait. Shoulders need to raise as much as possible to take them back and deleted.

Then attention must be paid to the formulation of the foot. Toe and heel are substantially aligned in the direction of movement. You can expand a little toe out.

To give a smooth gait, care must be taken to stop moving forward first, and only then the body. Mincing gait would be if the step length will be equal to the length of the unshod foot.

The movements of the hands, too, is followed by. In no case can not be in the pockets, and their movements should be in accordance with the rhythm and the size of the steps.

2. Special exercises.

To walk was really beautiful, strengthens the muscles of the spine. Exercises to strengthen the "pillar of life" there are many. Here are some:

1) Lie on your stomach on the floor, his hands take aside. Now, lift the head and neck muscles straining, pull socks over. Freeze for a few seconds. Exercise should be repeated several times.

2) Lying on his stomach to pull his hands along the palms up. Now, at the same time lift the head, hands and feet for 10-15 inches from the floor. Stay a few seconds in this position. Exercise repeat several times.

3. Take care of posture.

Stand with your back to the wall, stand with your feet slightly and lower your arms. Calves, ankles, shoulders, and back of the head should touch the wall. Now we need to try to pull the lower back against the wall as close as possible. For this is a bit to pull the neck, abdomen and pick up slightly raise the shoulders. Hold as possible in this position.

Perform this exercise, try as often as possible, while appreciating their feelings and increasing the time. When the time comes to one minute, you can start walking in this position.

While walking constantly watch his back. At first it will be difficult, but over time it will become a habit.

4. Follow the example of noble maidens.

Everyone knows that the noble maidens in Tsarist Russia was forced to sit for a long time and walk with a book on her head to their posture was impeccable. In the cadet school stooped young men tied to the back of the board. Try to follow their example and feel like an hour of exercise locks constant attention to posture.

Then you can try to wear small object on the head, making him turns and sit-ups. It is important that the subject did not fall.

5. Exercises in motion.

Now, to fix the results, try to walk as much as possible, paying attention to your posture and movement. Train standing in different shoes, not walk fast walking to analyze their actions. Imagine that on top of your fishing line extends upwards. In this case, the shoulders themselves straightened and the center of gravity will shift to socks feet.

Train every day and remember that posture - an ornament of women.

 Author: Andrei Sidorov

Tags: posture, cat, log, secret exercise, gait, grace