Dining diet - delicious and low-calorie

Dining diet - delicious and low-calorie
 How do you want after a hard day and different snacks in the evening to sit at home and so plump dinner. But hearty dinner contributes to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the body and the appearance of extra pounds! Refuse to dinner? Why such victims ?! You just need a little bit to adjust what you eat in the evening at the table, combining business with pleasure.

What products are considered low-calorie. Among a large group of fruit in their properties to burn fat metabolism and restore the lead: avocado, pineapple, pear, grapefruit, kiwi and apples.

Among the berries can not give preference to any individual mind - they are perfect for low-calorie salads and drinks.

Peanuts, pine nuts and almonds are quickly removed from the body excess fat and give you a sense of satiety.

Among vegetables champion nice feature is the cabbage. It is able to clean the intestines of toxins, has a very low calorie, rich in vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Followed by seaweed - a source of iodine. Carrots, which prevents the formation of new fat. Celery, normalizes flatulence and leads metabolism back to normal. Very useful drinks from ginger to stimulate digestion.

Separate line stand mushrooms - they are able to rid the body of harmful cholesterol and cleanse the liver.

On the greens will not stop. Everyone knows that the salad greens constant component of the different diets. We can only note that the use of lettuce, parsley, nettle and spinach give the fastest results.

The group of protein products were marine fish, lean meat (beef, chicken, turkey), eggs and legumes. Among dairy products should be called cottage cheese, yogurt and whey.

In the group of cereals are: bran, rye bread, cereal, oatmeal, brown rice and buckwheat.

From spices to cook dinner, you can use olive oil, black pepper, hot pepper (chilli), mustard, garlic and horseradish.

It is desirable to drink green tea or mineral water. Look at the huge amount of products you can use in the preparation of useful dinner!

Sample menu might look like this:

Vitamin salad of fruit or berries (for charging, you can use cottage cheese with yogurt and chopped dried fruit) or vegetable salad, which can be cooked greens and beans (again for filling take a little yogurt and cottage cheese, spices to taste). Refills fruit salads you can use low-fat yogurt, it is delicious and contains a lot of calories.

The main dish should be boiled or steam fish, boiled lean meat, ie protein foods. If you can not bring myself to eat boiled meat, you can put it out in the vegetable broth with a drop of olive oil, add the lemon juice.

On a side dish can be cooked buckwheat, brown brown rice. If you're a fan of soups, salad plate can be replaced by vegetable or berry puree soup.

Options menu for dinner a great variety. It all depends on your imagination and mood. Cook a dinner need at least three times a week, gradually accustoming the body to proper nutrition. Recommended for dinner two hours before bedtime. If after dinner you want to eat again, do not torture yourself with hunger. Eat a low-fat yogurt with any fruit, at your discretion, and go to sleep in peace.

In keeping with this power you unconsciously, parted with excess weight without exhausting diets and nervous breakdowns.

Tags: dinner, product, slimming