In plastic surgery, there are many interesting facts that help people get the desired results in the correction of their appearance. Let's look at some of them:
1. Mommoplastika in Russia today is one of the most popular operations. The most popular miplasticheskimi operations in the United States are liposuction and breast augmentation and blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty ranks third.
2. Women are the major plastic surgery patients. In men, increased demands on their appearance, and their denial to make plastic is a common fear. So the stronger sex was weak in the field of plastic surgery.
3. From the age of six can make the correction of the ear cartilage. Children otoplasty is performed under general anesthesia, and in adults and adolescents is enough local anesthesia.
4. Rhinoplasty - is the oldest plastic surgery. Indian way of plastic surgery of the nose, there are about five thousand years.
5. The operation to restore the hymen is called Hymenoplasty. The first plastic hymen was made by Italian gynecologist in 1962 on his own daughter. Hymenoplasty particularly popular in the Middle East and the Arab countries.
6. Surgical repair of the penis - faloplastika. Full plastic penile amputation and prosthesis for erectile dysfunction was first held in 1936, a surgeon NA Bogoras from Russia.
7. For the filling defects of the skin can be used fat evacuated during liposuction - it Lipofilling. However, foreign material (fat) rejected by the body.
8. Back in the late XIX century underwent surgery abdominoplasty. She spent an American surgeon Gordon A. Kelly.
9. You can spend no more than seven reoperations, but with each repeated operation reduces the possibility of getting a good result. Repeated operations often are men, were dissatisfied with the results of rhinoplasty.
10. In Russia there are more than 700 plastic surgeons. Over 80 private plastic surgery clinics are located in Moscow.