How to choose a tattoo

How to choose a tattoo
 Tattoo - a stylish decoration of your body for many years. But the choice of tattoo should be approached seriously, should consider the smallest details, so that this feature was really your decoration and pleasing to the eye.
 The most important thing - to select the desired pattern. This could be any animal, the specific identity, lettering, pattern, ornament and much more. Tattoo does not necessarily have a hidden meaning, it might just be the picture that you like the person. In this case, can be viewed on the site shop or tattoo picture books, and then choose the one that most of all liked it. But it is worth remembering that the picture in which many different items, should be quite large, otherwise the picture from a distance looks like a smudge.

For those who are important symbolic meaning of tattoos, more and more difficult. Of geometric shapes you can create a unique and individual design. Square - is stable and measured life, hard work, diligence, perseverance. Rectangle - variability, change, curiosity, interest in life. Triangle - the achievement of this goal. Circle - the universal symbol of protection, the most "friendly" of all geometric shapes. Zigzags - creativity, originality.

Of great importance is the color of the tattoo. Blue - calm, tranquility, harmony, relaxation, stability, smooth and successful life. This color looks nice in combination with black, beige, blue. Green - symbolizes nature, summer, plants, confidence is able to create a business atmosphere. Combined with brown, olive, yellow, red.

Yellow - the color of joy, fun, creative thinking, relieves stress and creates a friendly atmosphere.
Looks nice in combination with orange, brown, red, green, olive. Red - emotions, energy, good mood, self-confidence, irritation. Combined with black, brown, pale pink, yellow. Violet - wisdom, mysticism, generosity, peace of mind, it is the color of magic. Looks nice with purple, blue, black, burgundy. The black color is the most popular for tattoo, it is combined with all colors.

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