Using sea salt in the home of Cosmetology

Using sea salt in the home of Cosmetology
 Due to the high content of biologically active substances, sea salt has many medicinal properties. If you replace refined table salt sea salt activates the metabolism, improves the cardiovascular and nervous system, will increase the body's defenses. But in addition to valuable medicinal qualities of sea salt also has cosmetic properties. In the home of cosmetology, it is used to improve skin, hair and nails.
 Sea salt for the skin

Bath with sea salt are beneficial to the skin: fade acne and ulcers passes allergic rash, decreases irritation. For the preparation of medicinal baths must be dissolved in water 1 kg of sea salt. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees Celsius. Immersed in a bath is necessary so that the water line is located below the chest. Should take a bath for 10-15 minutes. To achieve the effect, a course consisting of 10-15 treatments.

Sea salt and effective against cellulite. To get rid of "orange peel" while taking a shower you need to put on a sponge or massage brush a little sea salt and rub her problem areas. In addition to this daily procedure once a week is useful to wrap. To do this, you need to mix sea salt with gruel of seaweed and put on clean skin of the buttocks and thighs, which then must be wrapped with cling film. After 45 minutes, the mixture of salt and algae should be removed and put on the skin nourishing cream.

Sea salt for hair

Rubbing wet sea salt into the hair roots can stop their strong loss. After rubbing salt you need to cover your head with a towel wrap and insulate. With this procedure, the scalp is cleansed of dead skin particles, there is stimulation of metabolic processes and opens the access of oxygen to the cells. Rinse off the mask of sea salt should be no earlier than an hour. Cosmetic procedures it is desirable to 1-2 times a week.

The effect of rubbing sea salt comes about a month: not only stop hair fall out, but are also becoming more soft and supple. Incidentally sea salt is not necessary to rub in its purest form. It can be dissolved in olive oil or castor oil serum yogurt. But it's best used as a solvent or grape seed oil, jojoba oil, because of all vegetable oils, these oils are most useful for hair.

Sea salt polish

Baths for hands with sea salt are able to quickly solve the problem of brittle nails and a layer. To prepare the bath in a glass of water at a temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius to dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt. The resulting solution should be poured into a deep tank and put there fingers for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure on the hands and nails is desirable to apply a nourishing cream. Such baths for hands is useful to every week.

Tags: hair, nail, bath, cellulite, mask, salt, use, cosmetology