Moles and nevi: removal methods

Moles and nevi: removal methods
 Moles (nevi) - are benign tumors of the skin, their appearance is associated with metabolic disorders and melanin synthesis. Provoke degeneration of moles into malignant forms can the following factors: fascination with tan in the sun and in a solarium, a variety of injuries and damage to moles, frequent massage courses, hormone treatment.

You must consult your doctor immediately if you notice that the skin dramatically increased the number of moles; they began to increase rapidly in size; change the color and shape of a mole; were bleeding and pain, as well as peeling, hair loss of moles and other pathological symptoms. Doctor - a dermatologist or oncologist will determine the type of birthmark and each will choose the best method to remove it.

The methods of removing moles include: cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation method (use of high-frequency current), the method of surgical excision, coagulation method of radiowave and others.

Electrocoagulation method allows you to send material for histological examination. In this method of removing moles are very small and neat scars. But electrocoagulation causes around the area leaving a large thermal tissue damage.

In modern dermatology used radionozh, which is considered the safest way to remove moles. It does not cause a thermal burn surrounding tissue and is particularly effective in removing the convex projecting neoplasms.

The most common way to remove moles is a method of surgical excision. In accordance with the norms of cancer in this method removes the skin area with nevus of at least 3-5 cm. It is difficult to apply the surgical technique when placing the moles on his face, so how to delete a field in this case, the minimum size.

The method of cryosurgery is the use of liquid nitrogen. Cold has a negative effect on the body as its distribution in the skin and tissue is not controlled and it is impossible to accurately determine the scope of the nitrogen.

The most modern and safest way to remove moles is considered laser. During the procedure, the laser beam removes layers birthmark on the spot removal is a minor groove that within 10-14 days gradually leveled. With this method, any blood loss is excluded, as the laser has the ability to thrombose tiny capillaries.

The main advantages of laser removal of birthmarks are the following: the procedure is painless; no skin left scars or scars; No damage to healthy tissue; high precision operations (controlled by the depth of the impact, the necessary beam diameter); Laser surgery does not last more than 5 minutes; the recovery period does not exceed 10-14 days. In modern dermatology laser is the only way to remove moles without a trace. With his help effective treatment of benign tumors (warts, papillomas, etc.).

Tags: mole removal, treatment method, capillary nevus