How to remove a small hump on the nose

How to remove a small hump on the nose
 Most often, the most ugly women feel part of their nose. Someone confuses size, someone - width. And many do not like crook. The desire to look beautiful in the profile is sometimes stronger than all fears, and you really think about it - is not it time to get rid of the hump on the nose.  
 Are you sure that this feature of the face so hard you spoil? Sometimes the bump on the nose are even spicy, original element. And for someone crook is a feature without which the general form loses the character and individuality. Remember Gogol - in most portraits of the writer is depicted in profile, and it is something with his prominent nose.

Note that the correct bump on the nose without the intervention impossible. Surgery or injection necessarily need. Are you ready to take this step? After all, any interference with the body can backfire. And any operation - is stress. Remember, too, that plastic surgery - not a cheap pleasure. And the pleasure is to forget - the swelling will go a long nose for a while will hurt. But if the desire is stronger in the beauty of these barriers and you are determined, achieve their goal.

More recently, there was such a thing as contour plastic. However, some areas of the face are filled with injectable filler (filler from English - aggregate). Thus it is possible to adjust a little tip of the nose and sometimes - to remove the bump on the nose. But if the contour plastic suit you - depends on the shape of a small hump, just tell the doctor can only. The effect of the drug lasts from one and a half to two years, then everything becomes the same. It's even a plus - in fact if the new nose shape you're not satisfied, it will be easy to fix.

More crucial method - plastic surgery. Type of plastic surgery, is engaged in the nose is called rhinoplasty. It's a little risky - still have a chance to damage the respiratory walls and disrupt the passage of air through the nose. Will be necessary to consult ENT.

Should carefully carefully when choosing a plastic surgeon and center in which you are going to do the operation. Focus on the feedback on the forums. And make sure that they were similar to ordinary conversation of people - sometimes positive comments written specifically for the purpose of promotion.

Tags: nose, hump, rhinoplasty