Electrical muscle stimulation

Electrical muscle stimulation
 Electrical stimulation is used to treat a wide range of diseases. Its effect is based on the fact that almost all the internal processes involved electromotive force, and the use of artificial stimulation enhances biological processes in cells and tissues of the body.
 Electrical muscle stimulation is used in medicine for a long time. Initially used only stimulation of skeletal muscle, and later developed methods for electrical stimulation of the internal organs. For each method, using different devices.

Electrical stimulation of skeletal muscle is appointed in cases of paralysis of the limbs or face, and paresis. Conduct "electrogymnastics" when there is a risk of postoperative thromboembolic complications, used for active training and prevention of muscle atrophy, when the patient leads a sedentary lifestyle.

You can not conduct electrical stimulation in cases of rupture of tendons, muscles, blood vessels and nerves. Procedure is contraindicated in purulent and inflammatory processes, and high blood pressure.

With electrical stimulation of smooth muscles of internal organs produce stimulation actions of the body, which is aimed effects of electric current. Thus stimulate cardiac function and structure of the spinal cord, the digestive organs and urinary organs.

Impact on authorities impulsive currents helps to normalize heart rhythm, breath, provides activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Apply electrical stimulation of muscles and internal organs in cases of uterine bleeding.

Electrical stimulation of skeletal muscle is most effective in combination with other treatments. Typically, this method together with the applied thermal treatment, ultrasonication, prescribed medication.

Electrostimulation is now very actively used for medical purposes. This is a very effective method of treatment, when properly selected exposure parameters, which are determined in accordance with the degree of muscle damage and the individual characteristics of the organism. And for domestic and skeletal muscle electrostimulation is an excellent way to restore organ dysfunction.

Tags: organism current muscle treatment effect electrostimulation