Effective folk remedies for acne

Effective folk remedies for acne
 Acne is a result of hormonal disruption of the body, poor personal hygiene, consumption of coffee, fatty foods, alcohol. Also, the occurrence of acne can be a symptom of diseases of the endocrine and nervous system. For the treatment of scars, you can use the experience that has preserved for us alternative medicine.

Mix equal amounts of sage leaves drug, birch and nettle nettle. Mix well and place 2 tablespoons of the mixture of leaves in a small saucepan. Pour in 2 cups of her boiling water and cover with a tight lid. Put the pan on the fire and boil the broth for a quarter of an hour. Strain and take one glass in the morning and at bedtime.

If you mix in approximately equal proportions of extracts of calendula, chamomile and camphor alcohol - get excellent tool to wipe the skin. Especially good for acne prone it, oily skin.

Horsetail grass and flowers of linden, heart, mix in equal amounts and pour a tablespoon of the mixture cup boiling water. Use broth to wipe the skin.

Since ancient times used to treat acne aloe. In order to obtain the necessary medication, pour cool boiled water, crushed leaves of aloe. Water should be taken five times more than the leaves. Real mixture for an hour, boil it a few minutes and use it to wipe the acne.

No less useful decoctions of sage leaves and chamomile flowers. Tablespoon of these plants to make a glass of boiling water. Half an hour later your infusion will be ready. It should apply as lotions.

Grate cucumber. The resulting mass is used as a mask. Duration of treatment will be 15-20 minutes. If you constantly do this procedure, the number of pimples on your face significantly reduced.

Take the herb St. John's wort and equally elecampane root. Mix and pour 2 tablespoons of half a liter of boiling water collection. Put on fire and boil for half an hour. This decoction should drink one glass every day three times a day.

Do not forget that if you monitor the cleanliness of your skin, you will not receive the greater risk of acne.

Tags: remedy acne treatment