A hundred years to grow old without you

A hundred years to grow old without you
 "Years before a hundred grow old without you" will help only a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, favorite work or hobbies. And save you from unnecessary wrinkles relaxed attitude to what is happening and positive life attitude.

Ideally, of course, very good to live in the woods or on the outskirts of a small river, garden and fresh air. Living in the city, try to walk more, selected on nature walks in city parks and squares.

Drink clean water, it is desirable to melt or spring. Try to eat less meat. Eat fish and seafood. Include in your diet more fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to choose natural products or products with the least amount of additives, preservatives and flavorings.

Always stay young will help you a positive attitude towards life. Find yourself interesting hobbies. Try as much as possible to relax and chat with friends. Interested in new movies, books, fashion trends.

Knit, embroider, grow flowers - any hobby will bring pleasant moments. Well, if your job you like.

Comfortable with what is going on - what to be, will be. Life is multifaceted. Adios people and, above all, their loved ones. We all are far from ideal. Do not get angry and do not irritate. Any negative emotions "eat" your energy and health. Smile more often.

Pay attention to yourself. Even a five-minute daily charge tighten figure. To maintain the beauty of the skin and hair are good "old wives' recipes - mask of strawberries, cucumbers, sour cream and eggs.

Less makeup and more natural. Do not be afraid to wear things "for his age."

But, after all, is the best recipe for youth - to live in harmony with each other.

Tags: attitude, youth