Taking care of your skin in summer

Taking care of your skin in summer
 Regular skin care needs at any time of the year, but summer and winter ways to care for your skin noticeably different from each other - this is due to the fact that the external environment has different effects on your face.

If winter skin should be protected from chapping, drying and freezing air, the summer skin must be protected from excessive amounts of sunlight. If this is not done, the aging process accelerates significantly, and over the years it can quickly lose the beauty and health.

In the summer, when the sun is particularly active, you should not be in the open, in the daytime from ten o'clock in the morning until four o'clock in the evening. Going outside during the hottest time of the day, wear broad-brimmed hat, the shadow of which will fall on your face, protecting it from harmful UV rays. We should not forget about sunglasses good quality that will not only turn a blind eye, but the skin around the eyes, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and early aging.

During summer, it is especially important enough sleep - without proper rest facial skin turns yellow and swells, formed under the eyes dark circles, and the appearance loses freshness and strength. Sleep in the warm season, you need at least seven hours, opening the window and turning off air conditioners and fans - they can cause a cold. Do not underestimate the night's rest - at night the body does not only rest but also restored, and the hormonal system bounces back, preparing the skin to awaken.

In the dawn hours increases the production of the hormone cortisol, which eliminates puffiness and restores skin a healthy glow. That is why you should not go to bed in the morning - a hormone produced does not have time, and after you wake up you will feel tired and worn out. If you start to notice that your biological rhythms get off, try to restore the correct mode of the day.

In addition, it is important to develop the habit of sleeping in the correct position - many people are sleeping face in the pillow, and because of this, the skin is not getting enough air, and the deposition of the fine wrinkles.

Tags: leather, summer, care, protection, care