Skin Whitening at home

Skin Whitening at home
 Beautiful, clean and radiant health, facial skin - the dream of every woman. Sometimes freckles or age spots deliver no less trouble than the unwanted wrinkles or acne. To hide from prying eyes, these unsightly phenomenon advised to regularly care for the skin, as well as carry out the procedure of bleaching, which is not so difficult to make at home.
 Whitening skin with grapefruit

Grapefruit juice is an effective remedy for skin whitening at home. There are several options, one of them - wipe your face frozen juice of this fruit in the form of ice cubes, the second - to wipe the skin peeled from the film slices of fruit. This tool will help relieve redness, if any, and whiten the skin. Following the procedure, wash with cool water and use a nourishing cream.

Whitening infusion of parsley

Use whitening face only natural products, so they are safe for your skin. The main condition - the lack of an allergy to components used. To prepare the bleaching composition, you will need bunch of fresh parsley, which must be carefully washed, put in a container and pour hot boiled water. Cover and leave for twenty minutes. Strain and add half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, pour the resulting composition into molds for ice and store in the freezer. Every morning wipe the face such an ice cube (instead of washing), this means not only whitens the skin, but also tones. If you have poor tolerance of cold, can not wipe the face frozen infusion of parsley.

Cucumber Whitening Mask

The most recognized leaders in skin whitening considered parsley and cucumber. To prepare the cucumber mask you will need one small cucumber. Rub it with the skin on a fine grater and mix with a tablespoon of cream. Apply the prepared mask on your face, leave on for twenty minutes and rinse with warm water.

Whitening pigment spots

Ice, prepared on the basis of congee, is an excellent tool for skin whitening at home. Take a tablespoon of rice, rinse and pour a small amount of cold water, put on a slow fire. Let the rice well seethe, periodically stir it. Strain through cheesecloth and pour rice water for molds, after cooling, remove the freezer. Cosmetic ice prepared on the basis of congee, use in the evening before bedtime.

Sour milk Whitening Mask

Dampen gauze scraps in sour milk, gently squeeze and apply to the face for 20 minutes. Wash the mask after the lactic acid is not necessary, you can only get wet skin dry with a cotton pad. This whitening mask is recommended to do twice a day (morning and evening), after a week you will appreciate the visible result.

Tags: skin, face, house, home, condition, mask, whitening