Besides the fact that skin care nose, eyelids and around the eyes is an important and integral part of the general health of a person, you must understand that this is the area that used to start other issue your age, they are among the most vulnerable, and care for them should begin as possible.
There are several natural ways to protect the skin around the eyes: to prevent the possibility of wrinkles occur too early, avoid grimaces, clearly reflecting your negative emotions: they can cause the formation of wrinkles. Is also required to monitor the timely removal of make-up, and with the help of drugs, do not have a traumatic effect on the skin. Another recommendation: Wash with water having a temperature just below the comfortable: cool jet massage and have a tonic effect. Some refer to the help of massage, but in this case it is important to remember certain rules: the movement should be light, and treated area should not be to capture forever: their massage will lead to tension.
In the rest to take care of these areas, you can take advantage of various cosmetic products, designed for a particular age. Please note that today there are separate scrubs, creams and masks are designed to care for each of these areas. Therefore it is necessary to abandon the use of face cream: it must be complemented by other means. To nourish the skin, use drugs, which include extracts of parsley, glucose, and vitamins A and E.
Skin Care nose does not require any special measures, but do not hold to the use of cosmetics, especially powder. Pay attention to his defense: This is true in the summer when it is exposed to direct sunlight, and in the winter, when it is in a severe frost conditions. In the case of the common cold is better to use not hard handkerchiefs, and made of a soft and delicate materials. A strong effect on the skin of the nose and provides food, abrupt temperature changes: any impact stress can be expressed in redness and irritation of the skin, so do not neglect moisturizer.
When caring for centuries must be especially careful they do not tolerate sudden movements need to be gentle and nice touch. Apply the cream point movements. Become a great resource packs, which there are many recipes. Simply attach to the eyes of bags from under the green tea, and hold them a few minutes to have to feel grateful that rebounded after a long work on the computer.