Skin care in winter

Skin care in winter
 The cold season - a serious test for the skin. Negative response to changes in temperature, it begins to dry and peel. Effects on the skin not only cold, but snow, wind or other precipitation. In order to preserve the beauty, it is necessary to organize a quality winter skin care.

Skin as hair tends to adapt to any environmental conditions. Properties of the skin are changing under the influence of the weather, but these changes are not always going to benefit. In the cold season sebum is reduced if oily skin this does not suffer too, then dry the event is similar to the disaster. Therefore, the selection of means for skin care in winter should take into account specific features: oily skin changes and becomes similar to normal, the last change to dry, and she becomes very sensitive.

When winter comes, skin care becomes somewhat different.

Firstly, it is necessary to abandon washing with soap, as this leads to overdrying. It is better to remove makeup cosmetic milk, and as a means for washing use sponge or cotton swab dipped in the same vehicle. After that its excess is removed from the skin with warm water, which is best to replace the decoction of herbs chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, or succession.

Secondly, the use of alcoholic lotions winter unacceptable. Although, in other seasons it is also not the best way to degrease the skin. It is best to wipe the face tonic for sensitive skin.

Third, we must remember that you can go out no earlier than half an hour after applying the cream on your face. This is due to the composition of any lotions, whose main ingredient is water. If she does not have time to fully penetrate deep into the skin, it freezes in the cold like a small piece of ice lying in the pores.

Planning skin care in winter, it should be remembered that during this period increased loads experiencing the whole body. Given that the food in the winter is not rich in fruits and vegetables, the food should be supplemented with vitamins. Their lack of influence on the skin.

It is advisable not to waste your time on advertising various cosmetic products that promise miracles care. It is best to focus on one product line. Typically, one such means in line complements the other, causing skin care becomes more efficient.

Tags: winters period, care